More about us
DCW (Data Center Warehouse) is a value added technology reseller that works hard at finding the right solutions and cost savings for our customers. We are a traditional reseller selling hardware, software and services to our customers across the United States. We have strategic purchasing relationships that allow us to provide world class solutions at a fraction of the cost and we're one of the last traditional system integrators - specifically of servers. #DCW #DataCenterWarehouse #bestinclassreseller
- Business Type
- CSP (Cloud Service Provider)
- MSSP (Managed Security Service Provider)
- Consultant
- Solution Types
- Cloud Solutions
- On prem devices Storage and Servers
- Cyber Security
- Edge Devices
- Cloud Solutions
- RackSpace
- Azure
- Industries Supported
- Retail/Hospitality
- Banking/Finance/Insurance
- Healthcare/Pharma
- Manufacturing